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Tag: DIY Thermogram

The gentle Black Salve that doesn’t hurt! (Two Feathers)

http://www.healingformula.net/ Comments:So, about the Two Feathers salve...It seems to work tremendously well when you eat…

WOW! Big lump shrinkage recently(after 2 months of letting go of my detox plan)…

[caption id="attachment_1204" align="alignleft" width="150"] today, thursday may 21, 2015 noon-ish[/caption] Yellow is the lump, that…

Do It Yourself Mammogram/Thermogram/MRI/Core Biopsy…

[embed]https://youtu.be/iHorjVFmcv0[/embed] So I found an online free photo edit program where anybody can do their…

Do It Yourself Thermogram (a video by Sari Grove at www.grovecanada.ca)

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaRQepnLMNU&feature=youtu.be[/embed] http://grovecanada.ca/so-you-want-to-try-my-diy-thermogram-method-but-you-dont-have-a-mac-iphoto-program/#comment-1281 So you want to try my DIY Thermogram method but you don't have…