Start him on Humaworm…
Have him take Boron (trophic Boron is about 3 mg per pill which is low, so take 5 pills x 3 times a day)…
Magnesium & Epsom salt baths…Coffee enemas!!!
Senna tea(Triple leaf tea company is $6 for their super slimming tea with senna dandelion papaya leaf licorice root)…
Moringa Oleifera comes in many forms & cleans the Colon…
There is a great free raw plant based diet book linked from the popup on my blog (he can cheat but it is a good way to start eating right)…
Sunshine, & or Infrared light (RubyLux makes infrared bulbs that go in any socket)…
Filters on shower heads & water taps…
Bloodroot caps from zenith herbals (doublestrength)…
Iodoral pills are easy to take (10 mg per 10 lbs of body weight to start-lower dosage later)…
Pancreatic enzymes to lower blood sugar…
Lots of oils on salads…
Apple cider vinegar…
Organic food! Daily far walking outdoors!