I would lead your ——- to take Two Feathers healing formula internally for ovarian cancer advanced stage…Healingformula.net Call Robert Roy at the phone number there for a free consultation…Healingtogethercoop.com is doing a group order of two feathers today if you are fast…They get it at a discount( about $50 off per jar)…
Cannabis oil will help but will not stop this late stage problem, she needs something much stronger & more comprehensive…The cannabis oil will cost more than the Two Feathers…She can do both if she wants…Someone who sells cannabis oil where you live is better suited to dosage instructions because it depends on the strength of the oil, & how they make the individual product…
Generally speaking it is a 90 day protocol…Usually about 60 grams needed total…3 times day about…Total cost can be about 2-3000 dollars…( I’m Canadian, so less in American currency)…A cannabis oil group can help with dosage, sources, & ratios, if you want to go that route…Cannabis oil is effective but is only one thing…It helps especially with those whose tumours are cholesterol driven…If not it can miss…
I say the Two Feathers because with 18 different ingredients, it doesn’t miss…There are others in this group taking Two Feathers now…It is an established medicine( since 1980)..,With results…”