If you have existing pain, & it is caused by an excess, pressing on nerves, magnesium lowers bilirubin in the Gallbladder, which removes excess that may be clogging up cartilaginous areas…
On the other side of arthritis, are people who have no pre-existing pain, but take magnesium supplements because they are told to…
If pain begins where there was none before, it is a sign that magnesium levels were fine & the supplement is eating into cartilage…It is a classical sign of overdoing magnesium…Because people are taking so many supplements, they often don’t realize the supplements themselves are the culprit…
If the person with the new pain has been taking magnesium for a while, it is easy to recognize…( jaw pain is classical magnesium overdose- also pain after taking osteoporosis drugs is magnesium overdose…)
Pain while doing a detox protocol like Gerson Therapy( anticancer)…
Comment:Sounds like a Herxheimer reaction…After 8 months of detox, your Gallbladder was stuffed with excreted toxins, & it wasn’t able to process it all, so it caused the back pain…
Lowering bilirubin there unclogged the channels, magnesium is a laxative, relieved the pressure…I just assumed everybody doing an anticancer detox was taking magnesium…It was the first thing I took, even before I knew something was wrong…
( I was feeding Trumpeter swans in winter near a marina where people emptied their boat toilets yearly straight into the lake- instead of into the marina’s tank…A common practice when boat owners get older & doing the water tank method becomes too difficult to do…
High mercury levels in the water….I had to step in one winter cause there were rocks & the swan couldn’t feed from my hand…Came home all Mercury garbled- it’s like instant dyslexia…Your Emails look like code…Started magnesium then & Epsom salt baths( magnesium too)…The jaw pain appeared later…Tortuous …
That’s how I know…But if people aren’t taking magnesium here(a group of people doing Gerson Therapy), at all, it is definitely important to clean that gallbladder out! Exercising daily like a very far walk also lowers bilirubin which is like taking magnesium…
I notice in all my (anticancer)groups, not a lot of exercising is mentioned…Just rebounding which is only half an hours worth usually total…
Cleaning out the Gallbladder:
Magnesium cleans out the Gallbladder specifically…
( if you have pain that goes away with magnesium),
If your pain is responding to it, & then returning, you could either carefully increase your dosage of magnesium until the pain does not return, add some more exercise to your day since exercise lowers bilirubin in gallbladder & ups magnesium, or maybe add an Epsom salt bath soak( Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate)…
There are specific gallbladder cleanses that make you drink olive oil with lemon juice a couple of times a day, with oral Epsom salts( ask your pharmacist to order you some)…
Eating lots of Parsley will help your Colon the next body part down, & Neem leaf helps there too…
Then a Boron supplement cleans the next thing down that line called Skene’s gland which is the female prostate..