BORON is -12 on the grove Body Part Chart…
BORON affects the CORPUS CALLOSSUM, this is where Boron is processed in the Brain(see the Brain part chart)…
The Corpus Callossum controls SKENE’S GLAND in the female…(it is called the Prostate gland in men)…
Ecstasy the street drug that comes in a pill is the strongest drug you can take, in the MINUS element category(those that detox the body, those that lower nutrient levels)…
MINUS 12 means it is the strongest Minus element you can take…
Thus it can be quite dangerous…
The OPPOSITE substance to Ecstasy -12, is MOLYBDENUM +1…
Molybdenum +1 is found in Beans…
If you have taken Ecstasy by accident or on purpose & want to get off of it, eat something with lots of beans inside…A good choice is a Black Bean Burrito…You can find excellent Black Bean Burrito’s in the freezer section of Qi Natural Foods(or any Health food store with freezer foods)…
The Cerebral Aqueduct processes Molybdenum in the brain…If your levels become too high, you could get Prostate Cancer or Cancer of Skene’s gland…A radical idea would be to take the street drug called Ecstasy(once) to see if it corrects your Molybdenum levels by lowering them…This drug is illegal I think as a street drug, however, possibly, with medical permission, might be accessible…An Alternative option to going illegal(if it is illegal) is to take a BORON supplement…Personally, I prefer legal alternatives because they tend to be safer…Safer means they are in lower doses however, so you would have to take more Boron to get effect…Better safe than sorry however…
Women with a clogged Skene’s gland might suffer from Ovarian cancer, Cervical cancer, Fibroids, Vaginal cancer, & other personal genital area Cancers…Boron supplementation is advised for these particular cases in my opinion…Ecstasy might be an answer to those who need something fast, & very strong, because they did not know they were sick & it is almost too late…When trying a street drug for the very first time as a medical intervention, please consult with an experienced expert who can warn you about side effects…All jokes aside, keep a fridge full of Black Bean burritos on hand if you are trying to get rid of cancer using Boron or its street counterpart Ecstasy…The Molybdenum in the Black beans will bring you back to reality if you overdose…
I am not recommending street drugs for recreational use at all…
However, in the case of Prostate Cancer or Skene’s Gland Cancer(Ovarian etc), I think it might be beneficial…
Strip clubs(Adult Entertainment Clubs)tend to dose their women, their clients, & your drinks with Ecstasy…You can also sometimes buy it or get it given to you there…It is highly addictive like Heroin, well in fact it is a heroin copycat in a pill(MDMA they call it technically)…It causes extreme types of behavioural paralysis & addictive behaviours…Sweating profusely…Dry mouth…It can also make a human extremely submissive to sexual subjugation or other subjugation like causing you to drain all your finances & give them away to someone…Sexual slaves(strippers, lap dancers, prostitutes) tend to be kept on the drug Ecstasy to keep them tame & unable to run away…A Molybdenum drug or supplement is advised if you have been subjugated by this drug-at the very least, begin an all bean & pulse(like chick peas) diet to try to counteract & bind the drug from your system…
Put 1/4 cup of Borax into your bath water to safely absorb Boron into your skin…( From the laundry aisle in your grocery or drugstore)…A microscopic pinch in your pet’s water too…
You can also get an all Boron supplement pill, crush it, & put it on your pet’s dog food…Or cat food…Or human food(lol)…