Naltrexone is a COMPLEMENTARY therapy…
Complementary means that you use it WITH something else that is the REAL therapy…
Complementary therapies are like: taking probiotics while taking antibiotics-or taking probiotics afterwards…
Probiotics are NOT antibiotic…They are meant to replenish after…Mushroom extracts are complementary therapy for chemo…This means that they are opposite to chemo…
You take them during or after or even before to prepare…Complementary therapies are NOT the cancer killer…
Naltrexone was studied as complementary therapy to Alpha Lipoic acid in high dose-which is its opposite…
Please do not confuse complementary things with anticancer treatments…
Naltrexone is not meant to be used by itself…
Personally, I think it was just a cash grab because its patent ran out & the only way they get to renew is if they come up with a new use…
Hey everybody, let’s drink saltwater extract as a complementary therapy while taking magnesium for cancer-new patent renewal given…It is endless…