The Quad screen maternal test(usually a blood test, but I think urine can be used too though is not considered as accurate), measures 4 different things…Hence the word “Quad” for four…
The four things the Quad screen measures are called:
Inhibin A, (this measures what I call “Titanium” on my Grove Body Part Chart”…Titanium is like Statin drugs, or cannabis, or chamomile, Frankincense-all serve to Lower cholesterol levels in the Lung Lymph Node system…So a High Inhibin A reading means High Titanium & Low Cholesterol…Low cholesterol has been correlated to Down’s Syndrome as well as Alzheimer’s disease…So High Inhibin A levels can indicate Down’s Syndrome…
But also, LOW Inhibin A levels indicate High Activin levels(its opposite), so High Activin levels can indicate high cholesterol but also specifically Ovarian cancer has low Inhibin A & high Activin levels…(which means that any Statin drug including Cannabis Oil would specifically target Ovarian cancer, since its marker, Inhibin A, looks at cholesterol levels…
AFP alpha fetoprotein tumor marker, High levels indicate excess Hydrogen in the Liver(like as seen in fetal alcohol syndrome),(or could indicate Liver tumours)
HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, High levels indicate high levels of Calcium which can indicate benign or malignant tumours-since both base types are made of Calcium,
& UE3 Unconjugated Estriol…High levels of estriol can indicate high levels of Phosphorus which could be Parkinson’s disease or spreading cancers(the “spread” factor in cancer is defined by Phosphorus levels)…
So, theoretically, someone with cancer or someone who wants to check their levels to see if they are awry, could theoretically order a Quad screen maternal test to test the levels of Aluminum, Hydrogen, Calcium & Phosphorus in their blood or urine…
Please note that 3 of the 4 tests indicate an EXCESS of a PLUS element if the level is HIGH…
However the Inhibin A test, if it comes out High, indicates LOW Activin levels, or a Deficit of Activin meaning a deficit of cholesterol…
Inhibin A refers to a DETOX element, Titanium…
Too high levels of Titanium can indicate Alzheimer’s disease…
So a High Inhibin A level does NOT indicate Ovarian cancer…
(A LOW Inhibin A level could)…
This also means that people with Ovarian cancer should lower their cholesterol levels since this test is considered a marker for Ovarian cancer…
Humans are complex creatures…On my chart above, there are 12 different body parts…In order of flow from top to bottom…Copper lives in the Spleen & its opposite is Phosphorus…Fungus lives in the Thyroid & is called “Lead” on my chart…Candida is usually related to excess Sulphur which means Sugar(my chart uses words from the periodic table of elements-in the real world there are different words to describe things)…So Candida is excess Sugar in the Pancreas…Its opposite which you can see on my chart, is Selenium…The selenium family in the real world is found in things like garlic, cayenne pepper, selenium pills, Lysine pills, sriracha sauce, antibiotics, insulin, quinine…So to deal with candida you need to Lower Sulphur by avoiding all sugars, & raise seleniums by eating garlic, or adding cayenne pepper to your foods, or take garlic pills(like 1000 mg ones)…But yes, usually with candida, all the Plus elements are elevated(on my chart-look at it vertically)…Elevated copper with candida is unusual…However I know someone who has chronic fatigue syndrome(elevated Hydrogen) who suffers from acid reflux(elevated copper)…So it does happen…Copper & Candida are not perfect opposites, so that is indeed possible & a little confusing…It is possible your friend is drinking coffee(copper) with regular sugar(sulphur)…That would be how you might get elevated copper with candida…Get them to switch to Stevia instead of regular sugar…If they are worried about the elevated copper level, they could switch to green tea which has less caffeine in it but still gives a little punch…Fungus technically is addressed by the Zinc family…Sunshine, Vitamin D3 type of things…or Vitamin C like in fruit…(though you do get some sugar in fruit so be careful because of candida…)…Calling Candida fungus may be a misnomer…Figuring out exactly what the imbalance is is actually the trickiest part of things…Someone tells you something, a word & you start treating based on that word, but maybe that word is not right…grain of salt with things I write here-on my site I get into things in a deeper way & then post to my blog if I have new ideas…I am just giving you top of my head answers here…Thanks, Sari