noticed your questions about estrogen…

My DIY diagnostic imaging method uses regular pictures that you take yourself…Then you edit them using online free photo editors…One of the methods is in an editor called Lunapic…

I calibrated the edit steps to show one specific element very very well…Phosphorus…

Phosphorus is the molecule that would in the real world be found in estrogen(not only)…

Phosphorus is also found in cheeses, yogurt, blue mold, salmonella creatures…But I found that it was an excellent cancer marker…Anyways…It comes up as a colour…

Though I did not build my edit methods using thermographic ideas, some of what I do is similar in the end…

You know how in thermography you get different coloured rings? so, when I was developing ways to see under the skin, I identified what the colours were…

The language I was using had different colours…

But sometimes I can “translate” a thermograph to my own language, to identify what the colours mean…

Long story short, I can “see” estrogen” from a picture…I call it Phosphorus…Here is an example of someone who let me use her pictures…