Sari Grove
4:09 PM (less than a minute ago)
to tdr—-
Sari Grove
Wednesday, December 13, 2017 4:09 PM
2.0 MB
T— Dr—-…
I spoke to R— who referred me to you…
I spoke with Mars about a year ago, asking for help with my invention,
DIY Imaging…
At the time I was told to build the thing myself, then come back with a
product & Mars would then help…
I found a developer who was willing to build the DIY Imaging site for
$2K US…
He has spent the year on his off time doing that…
I wasn’t paying enough for a full time endeavour…
He has done all the coding for the site, but it is still in slow mode
due to my lack of funds…
I would love to be able to pay him what the other companies pay him for
his time, which is $259.00 US per hour of work…
My project allows people to upload a photo they take themselves of
any part of their body, & see if a lump is cancer or not, see their own
biochemistry with 5 parameters
(receptors-Lead, iron, Aluminum/Cholesterol, Hydrogen/Her2+,
Calcium/progesterone, Phosphorus/estrogen er+)
& also see where areas of inflammation are in the whole body if not
There are 3 editors that do these tasks…
Daniel Fredriksen, the developer at CYint(pronounced scient), has coded
for all 3 editors…
I have been doing the editing for 4 years now for people for free, which
is just several more steps manually…
I also teach people how to do this manually, in photo editors, in my
Facebook group DIY cancer repair manual (2500 people with cancer)…
What DIY Imaging means is that you can see if cancer is present Without
a biopsy…
I call it NIDI (for non invasive diagnostic imaging)…
I understand there are forms to be filled out, by I don’t have resources
or secretaries at my disposal or accountants to file profit
I was hoping I could get some help here…
I am a Torontonian, & an artist, & this idea is already changing peoples
lives all over the world…(people send me pictures to edit…)
I have found so many people without health insurance who are
undiagnosed, or people taking supplements with no idea if they are
getting better or worse…
This imaging is done quickly, so it could be done daily or weekly,
People like the privacy of being able to take their own photos, & are
much more involved with their own cure when they are involved with
Any help including advice is welcome…
Thank you so much for your time…
Sari Grove (mrs.)
ps. I attached 2 files…
One is my chart, which is the basis for my 11 books(free on my blog or
non-profit prices on amazon)
The other is how the imaging works…This file is at online on my blog, & those
pdf’s are all interactive there…
Sorry I just sent the file so you would have a starting point…
You do have to go to the link to read it all better…
Of course the proof is in the pudding…
If anyone is on facebook, message me(private message) a close up picture
of a lump under the skin…I will edit it immediately for free & you can
see the 3 results…I will also explain the results…I’m free…
It is remarkable what you can see under the skin with a mobile phone
camera & free photo editors!
416-924-9725 is my home phone…(with voicemail)
416-271-3327 is a text message cellphone line if you prefer text
Thank T….
DIY Diagnostic Imaging
Sari Grove
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