I had a professional Colon Hydroptherapy session with wheatgrass & chlorophyll inserts…

Then Lymph detox essential oil massage…

Been doing hot water enemas in warm baths(cannot hold anything more than water really)…


Infrared light…

Vaping CBD (not my illegal stuff, this CBD is just ejuice from Colorado 3% thc from hemp)…

Taking mebendazole, Albendazole, Pyrantel Pamoate, some Humaworm capsules…Some bloodroot capsules…

Raw plant based diet but not strict…

Fused by Rain instant coffee…

Triple Leaf tea company super slimming tea(senna, dandelion, licorice, papaya…

Heavy Metals defense powder health ranger store…

Eosinophils are way beyond the capacity of the geniuses in lab at Toronto general Hospital-though serum blood test was taken & ordered by head of tropical disease unit department…

Like they could check elevated eosinophils!!! Ha! Canada is socialized medicine-I am lucky if they get my name right…

An herbal product called Para-Cide…Raw garlic…Whatever else I have left over in my cupboards…

I screwed up a bit…

The breast lump was benign so I thought I was good to go…

But I had forgotten that parasites can travel to spine & brain, as the normal life cycle of a parasite in the human body goes…

& since I had had a concussion in January of 2016, I had focused on fixing that …

You have to eat to fix a concussion…

Which obviously woke up whatever dormant parasites were still lurking in other parts of my body…It was a tough choice…

But I chose save the brain…

But by feeding my brain, I fed those critters too…

Total screw up…

Prescribed myself drugs to hit this all fast…

ordered from online foreign pharmacies to jump script needs…

There’s the short answer!