I was asked if a spot on the leg was Cellulitis or Erythema Nodosum…
So I edited the photo using Pixlr for mobile phone( on an iPad), to show molybdenum…
Grabbed stock photos of both conditions, & also used Pixlr to see molybdenum…
I am posting this because the methodology for making a differential diagnosis yourself, for anything you might suspect, is useful…
The Nidi imaging methods are my invention…http://grovecanada.ca/diy-nidi-imaging-talk-half-hour-by-sari-grove/ ( see this post for a film & accompanying PDF file that explains the elements)…
Conclusion: The Molybdenum marker in the Erythema Nodosum stock photo seems so specific, that the Original photo matches that in Nidi imaging much more than the result for molybdenum in the Cellulitis stock photo result…
Original problem is Erythema Nodosum…