HEADS UP! (That big red PDF button at the top left of all posts doesn’t download embedded documents…Just stuff written directly into posts! Sorry! Sari…
Book 10 & Book 11 got split into two pieces for paperback, because the PDF file of the manuscript was over 1000 pages…But in digital format, on Kindle, or online, you can stick a thousand page book into a clean file-so here is the clean file online as http://grovecanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/kalins-pdf/GroveCanada%3AThe%20art%20of%20healingGROVECANADAX%26Y…2016.pdf
On Amazon(not for profit) Book 10 is Book X, & Book 11 is Book XY…They are both GroveCanada:The Art of healing, part of Grove health Science…
Book 9 (DIY Cancer repair Manual)secretly here is a free version http://grovecanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/DIY-Cancer-Repair-Manual.pdf
(Sunday January 22nd, 2017)I noticed this post needs some updating…
There are now 11 books in Grove health Science…
because the AMAZON Kindle Direct Program(KDP) has some restrictions about sharing, some books may not be available either here or on Smashwords in digital format…
I found the KDP program reaches more people…
Though the books are not free on Kindle, I do not make a profit on any of them…
I do not recoup any money that way at all…
But some people really like to pay for things…They do not respect free…Which is somehow why these paid versions reach a bigger audience…My goal was to reach people…
Ironically, this sometimes mean charging for something that could have been free…Go figure!
Smashwords is the book publisher we use for under 10 megabyte versions of our books for free…This means you can even download them to your Kindle for iPhone, easily…So if you click on the book covers that takes you to the Smashwords page for each book, where you can choose which format you need…
If you want to see full bigger resolution versions of our books(still for free), our Scribd account has them & you can just read them online easily…Here is our Scribd profile address https://www.scribd.com/grovecanada
We also have free versions on https://independent.academia.edu/SariGrove for the Academic community…These can also be read online easily…
My Amazon Author page has our books in Kindle & Paperback formats…
They aren’t free but I did price them at the absolute minimum that Amazon’s Createspace would let me…
Ok, so below are the books…They are in reverse order…So Book 8 of the Grove Health Science series is first…
Tutorials: How the Human Machine works & How to get rid of a Breast Cancer Lump…
By Sari Grove
Price: Free! Words: 11,470. Language: English. Published: January 9, 2015. Category: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Cancer
Tutorials: How the Human Machine works & How to get rid of a Breast Cancer Lump… An introduction to the Grove Body Part Chart & the refined protocol for getting rid of a breast cancer lump… Includes a Google translate into french version at back of book…
Lucky Book 7:Homework Textbook for the Keen Medical Mind
By Sari Grove
Price: Free! Words: 17,730. Language: English. Published: November 8, 2014. Category: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Medicine
“Lucky Book 7:Homework Textbook for the Keen Medical Mind” represents a summary of some of the big ideas from the Grove Health Science series… Step by Step DIY Mammogram in pictures… Removing a Brain or Body Part versus Damaging a Brain or Body Part…What are the effects one can expect? Examining Flow in the Body as it relates to Flow in the Universe & the beginning of things…
RepoWoman;Book VI…(getting rid of a breast lump)
By Sari Grove
Price: Free! Words: 6,010. Language: English. Published: October 10, 2014. Category: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Crafts – Needlework/Crocheting
RepoWoman;Book VI…Nonsurgical breast cancer lump removal protocol…
Book V:The Brain
By Sari Grove
Price: Free! Words: 26,470. Language: English. Published: September 5, 2014. Category: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Fine art
Current original manuscript describing the brain parts to body parts connections…Lack of sightedness…Workplace injuries…Book 5 of Grove Health Science Series…Manuscript is updated as new information becomes available…DIY Chemo for cancer…DIY Mammography…
Theory Engineer:Book V (Grove Health Science Series)
By Sari Grove
Price: Free! Words: 780. Language: Canadian English. Published: August 27, 2014. Category: Essay » Author profile
Theory Engineer:Book VI (Grove Health Science Series) by J. Grove
The Grove Health Science Series:Book 4
By Sari Grove
Price: Free! Words: 26,680. Language: English. Published: June 21, 2014. Category: Nonfiction » Science and Nature » Life Sciences / Neuroscience
Some topics in this Book: Oddball interviews about medical successes… *The assumption is that there are 22 brain parts that PAIR…The pairing should be in the Minus Plus format…So each paired couple of brain parts should have Minus & Plus designations…Female & Male possibly…This should straighten out some of the complexity of brain surgery for neurosurgeons…(& DIY Neurosurgeons LOL!!!
Algae+Rhythm, Algae-Rhyme:Apt surgical rotation app
By Sari Grove
Series: Grove Health Sciences, Book 3. Price: Free! Words: 43,010. Language: English. Published: February 19, 2014. Category: Nonfiction » Science and Nature » Ecology and Environment
A book is an app that you read…Algae is one of the most pervasive things that grow in Nature…Rhythm & Rhyme are known mnemonic methods in Medical school…This is Book 3 in the Grove Health Sciences series…The main push forward here is the creating of Sidedness in the brain & body parts according to gender…Could women be natural lefties? Is the front of the body male dominant? Big ideas…
Do It Yourself Medicine:A Repair Manual
By Sari Grove
Series: Grove Health Sciences, Book 2. Price: Free! Words: 31,050. Language: English. Published: December 14, 2013. Category: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Medicine
The brain part connects to the body part… (sing to the tune of “the kneebone connects to the, thighbone, the thighbone connects to the, hipbone, the hipbone connects to the, …) The Frontal lobe connects to the Thyroid gland, the Motor Cortex connects to the Thymus gland, The Parietal Lobe connects to the Lungs & Lymph Nodes… Note on Sidedness: (see long description for more)…
Grove Body Part Chart
By Sari Grove
Series: Grove Health Sciences, Book 1. Price: Free! Words: 18,800. Language: Canadian English. Published: August 20, 2013. Category: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Fine art
My name is Sari Grove and the Grove Body Part Chart is my medical theory…Basically, I break down the body into 11 essential organs & show how each organ has two elements inside, a Minus element & a Plus element, that live together as opposites…I tell which elements are what & where, tell what disease is what imbalance, & also give examples of where to find those elements in the real world…
About Blood Cancers:
Japanese medicine uses Mugwort(Artemisia Vulgaris) extensively in moxibustion(it’s a whole field, you have to look it up), but also you can get Mugwort as pure incense cones & just breathe it in your home air(really nice way to take a medicine)…Here in North America, we use Black Walnut hull powder/tincture/capsules for similar effect on the blood…
Also, coffee is a Copper, a component of mainstream chemo, an antagonizer of Phosphorus…Since Phosphorus is what makes things spread, Coppers prevent spread & can even revert Cancer cells back to normal cells(phenotypic reversion)…So, however you take your coffee, front door or backdoor, it is sound science…Urine therapy has it’s propenents- used to be in India people would go to let the Holy Bull pee on their eyes to heal blindness…In some cases, the bull pee had some good nutrients in it & it worked…Obviously the practice is now being credited with all sorts of healings…But, I mean, quality of life can mean not feeling degraded by medical treatments…