The Mutability of the Species:

The very same worm can feed off of many things…If you find it in certain places, you will know what it is feeding off of…

Like if your Thyroid shows inflammation in the Pixlr edit(DIY Diagnostic Imaging Post), then that worm is feeding off of LEAD…

Which means you need ZINC Zn family to remove it…

Nicotine ejuice for example is in the Zn family…

Yesterday, I checked a full upper body picture for inflammation & saw that my Thyroid (upper chest area usually)was problematic…So I knew this last worm I was dealing with was feeding off of LEAD Pb Plomb…

Too cheap to do Vitamin C intravenously(Dempster Clinic in Toronto does Parenteral nutrition by the way), I experimented with a whole bunch of things I had on hand…

This morning, I passed several stools, bowel movements(not chairs!), & saw that the large Lead feeding worm had passed along with several of its brethren…

LEAD Pb feeding worms like to eat things like red meat, carrots, Lithium drugs, the heavy metal Lead from old water pipes/old farmhouse paint/older house paints/Staphylococcus from old hospitals & health care centres/pneumonia…

Melanoma is a Lead feeding worm specifically…

Here are some things I did all that day…

Mebendazole (vermox) An antiparasitic drug that can be found in ‘don’t need a prescription’ online foreign pharmacies(Russia) O, Zn, K

Albenza(Albendazole)An antiparasitic drug that can be bought from ‘don’t need a prescription foreign’ online pharmacies(India) K, Zn, O

Joyetech Vape pen (a way to safely inhale medicinal cannabis oil or medicinal nicotine or medicinal organic berry extracts for example)

CBD E-Liquid a 3% THC gooey liquid that can be eaten, applied topically, or VAPED (Vaping means to inhale the heated oil from a Vape pen)

Dvine eJuice (3 milligrams Nicotine in vegetable glycerin)Can be applied topically, eaten, & Vaped…

Bloodroot capsules (Zenith herbals) mixed with organic cornstarch 1 tblsp, organic vegetable glycerin 2-3 tsp, baking soda 1 tablespoon…Applied topically to area that has been black salved…Contains graviola K, galangal Zn, chaparral Se, bloodroot Mn…

Food-ate some sushi (from japango restaurant in Toronto, delivered the night before by Uber Eats…The dinner for two is a healthy cheat meal for couples doing a raw plant based diet…Japanese food is very high in Iodine…Those with MTHFR gene mutation cannot use fish & seafood as a cheat meal…

Triple Leaf tea Company, Super Slimming Tea…Contains Senna C, Dandelion O, Licorice root Cu, Papaya leaf O…3 tea bags /day…

Enema with kit from Vitamin C dechlorination tablet dissolved into water, then diluted strength used in enema bucket…

Sat under infrared lightbulbs (RUBYLUX NIR infrared lightbulb)all day as I worked on the computer…The infrared light is like Iodine Io…(Photon light by the way is like a BORON Bo)…

Took a few Humaworm capsules…(Humaworm contains almost every thing you need to remove parasites…In particular it is very high in Oxygen, which removes things from the LIVER & cerebellum in the brain…Removing Liver flukes can help to remove depression…)

Drank hot Fused by Rain Instant coffee mixed with some heavy Metals defense powder(health ranger store), grapeseed oil, & fake sugar…Water is filtered by an under the sink Nimbus system…

Late night Red Rose tea with fake sugar & was feeling desperate so added some almond milk…(2 Red Rose tea bags with caffeine)

God Bless