What is the brain made of?

A new protocol for cancer involves the dewormer class that includes Fenbendazole (Panacur C)…This canine dewormer(no prescription needed!) contains these elements: zinc, titanium, carbon, selenium, oxygen, fluorine…

That is a pretty decent recipe…

But late last night, I discovered that cancer in the brain had evaded a 6 month trial of this Panacur program…

What happened?

Well, though Fluorine, is the second strongest MINUS or DETOX element on the grove body part chart(my map of the body), it does NOT oppose Molybdenum…

The ONLY way cancer was surviving(or the most logical way), was if this cancer was still managing to feed off of Molybdenum…

You need Boron to oppose molybdenum, by the way…(see the chart)…

So, this morning I started looking up the brain content of molybdenum…

If cancer that has gone to the brain, was surviving just on molybdenum, then is there a significant molybdenum content just in the brain?

The link at the beginning of this article starts to touch upon elements in the brain, and where you might find concentrations of them…

Though fascinating to read(for me at least), I still was trying to get my head around molybdenum in the brain…

I found myself resorting to mental imagery-I knew that Molybdenum is found in beans…I thought of the brain as being a large mushy bean thing, same mushy consistency as beans…I decided that the brain must be a beany place, based on my mental sculpture…Far less scientific than the clinical trail involving brain autopsies and spectrometers, and spinning wheels to separate trace elements…

I will have to further my understanding of our beany brain…Despite my tendency to find the simplest answers to be the best answers…(ie:the brain looks beany in texture, beans are high in molybdenum, thus the brain must be high in molybdenum)…

Are brain cancers persistent due to high molybdenum content in the brain, that are unopposed by Boron? That was my thinking…

Raw organic crunchy celery is high in Boron…It is the crunchiness…Crunchiness is a characteristic of raw plants, raw plant based diets…Has cooking eradicated Boron from our diets? Probably…

I take Boron pills from Hakala labs at 75 mg each one…The most I have taken was this morning I took 4 of them, mostly scared about the woman who did not get enough Boron motivating me…

I felt a little barfy, so ate some leftover sushi, then some Vitamin water, tea, and reclined…Maybe a little too much Boron…

Borax powder (yes laundry section Borax) diluted at 3 tablespoons to a gallon water in a glass Mason jar(just easy to find), makes a decent Boron water, you can sip, and you get about 3 mg Boron for a little sip…

A crunchy raw plant based diet gives you more Boron…Celery root probably has even more Boron than the celery stalk…I am thinking of my mum teaching about a Danish Mary, a twist on a Bloody Mary, using a Caraway based drink Aquavit, instead of Vodak, as its base…(My mum used to teach me about alcohol on long plane trips-we used to have fun ordering different cocktails on airplanes when the drink cart came around-my mum owned a wine and spirits agency-we were not alcoholics!)

I wonder if Caraway is a Boron? I know I know, too many questions, you just want answers…

Ok, I will pause my speculations to do a little research…Be back soon…

Ok, I’m back…

So, in my travels to look up Caraway for Boron, I discovered this interesting formulation called Iberogast…

I will parse its ingredients in regards to the Grove Body Part Chart to help you map out its benefits…

Angelica is Dong quai-an Iodine

Caraway: let’s say for argument it Is a Boron…

Celandine is a magnesium (cause it acts on the gallbladder)

Licorice root is a Copper

Bitter Candytuft plant is a mustard which is selenium family

Chamomile is a Titanium

Lemon Balm is a Zinc

Peppermint is also Titanium

Sylibum is milk thistle which is Oxygen…

This is an old 1950s product from Germany, bought out by Bayer pretty recently-it is so successful it sells everywhere today-even in Canada at my local (see link)…

Though it is marketed for IBS, this formula is very anticancer…NINE MINUS elements, wow! Neat!(you can also just get these herbs yourself, or grow them yourself if you have sunshine)…

Still not concluded with the caraway is boron question-but I do know that carrots and celery are in the same family, as caraway, and carrots are also very crunchy…Which leads me to believe that my crunchy comments about boron are confirmed…(but carrot are high in Vitamin A so be careful with that aspect if you are treating cancer)…