High uric Acid can predispose to Cancer, which is why the baking soda remedy is not a bad idea…
Uric Acid is Nitrogen on the Grove Body Part Chart…
Uric Acid=Nitrogen
The opposite element on the chart is Carbon…Like Sodium biCARBONate, baking soda…
So that is how you clean out the Kidneys, with Carbons…
Other Carbons include ALL OILS…
Baking soda is great for Carbon, except if you have any Liver problems…Then the Sodium component can cause Water retention(HYDROGEN), which can burden the Liver…
If you do have Liver trouble, then just use OILS as your Carbon to lower Uric acid…
A teaspoon of Castor oil daily or more often for example…
Cut out all glutens to also lower uric acid…Glutens are Nitrogens…
Melanoma feeds on Lead to begin with, but Lead usually comes with a Nitrogen ligand, fibres…
So people dealing with melanoma need their Carbons…(Immunotherapy drugs tend to focus on Carbons…
Be careful, high doses of Carbons also lower testosterone, Nitrogens, radically…)
*If you have already lowered Nitrogens too much, & your testosterone levels are way too low now, you can boost them back up again with Mushrooms, Beets, Plants-raw is better because you get more nutrients, Maca root, Pine Pollen, Arginine…
One way to get your Carbons is with MCT oil(it is a clear oil with very little taste)…It goes easy( a drop or two) into coffee or tea or soup or you can cook veggies in it lightly…