Filterra is a photo editor…
Download from App Store…
To iPhone…( not sure if it is compatible with other devices?)
Upload a picture close up of the bone or tendon you want to examine…
The better the original picture, the better your results…
Magic Wand, Ambiance, check…
Brightness, make it brighter, check…
Contrast, increase a bit, check…
Temperature, increase, check…
Tint, increase, check…
Saturation, increase, check…
Shadows, increase, check…
In Curves, RGB, drag the diagonal line in the middle with your finger…The shape should look like a parabola…I will add pictures…
In Curves, then choose ” R”…Drag line again to similar parabola shape…
Again in Curves, in ” G”, drag line again to parabola shape…
Again in Curves, parabola shape again, this time with “B” selected…
Save your picture to Photos by choosing the save icon thing at top right corner of screen…