So the article linked above talks about how hormone receptor status can change with disease progression…
This is important, because NIDI , the Non Invasive Diagnostic Imaging, uses Phosphorus as a marker for Cancer…
Phosphorus is estrogen, as a marker…
It is a very good marker for seeing if Cancer is present or not & how much & where it is…
However…When Cancer goes untreated or mistreated(an alternative program that is not strong enough or not targeted enough), the cancer changes shape & chemistry…Imagine a larvae or egg or maggot becoming a worm…The worm becomes much harder to kill…
I have noticed that when people come to me with ulcerating tumours, that sometimes, my editing process, is not showing cancer in their pictures…
I have been trying to understand this…
On my chart, cancer is a Phosphorus…
But if the cancer is left to grow & evolve & change, it descends downwards on the chart…
The next organ down from the Spleen, where Phosphorus lives is the Gallbladder…Then the Colon…Then the Prostate gland in men & Skene’s gland in women…
An ulcerating tumour indicates disease progression…
Which means you need those three stronger MINUS detox elements more!
Gallbladder you need Magnesium…(glutathione is magnesium as are epsom salts…You can bathe in epsom salts but there are also oral epsom salts you can get from a pharmacist)
Colon you need Fluorine…(Moringa Oleifera is a Fluorine…If you cannot get that start gargling with a fluorine mouthwash for 20 minutes/or just hold in mouth so it absorbs…)
Prostate or Skene’s gland you need Boron…(small flowered willowherb is a Boron, Borax in water is a cheap Boron…Boron supplements exist too)…
If the tumour is ulcerating you need a strong antiparasitic…Humaworm is the best I know on the market…They also have extensive other recipes to clean all the other body parts…Consider investing in Humaworm products…These can save your life…
Also for ulcerating tumours-Bloodroot capsules from Zenith herbals…These can take a while to ship so order them now instead of deciding for weeks whether or not to get them…
If your tumour is ulcerating, please, whatever you do have on hand please take it at drug strength…Alternative supplements are not very strong…So recommended dosages are low…This is not a time to take supplements like they are vitamins…You have to go a little crazy with what you have…Hit it very very hard…
For example: Vitamin D3 at least 50,000 iu per week…
Vitamin C you can take 2 grams per hour…You just keep taking it until you get diarrhea…Once you get diarrhea that is your dose…Oral tolerance…
Licorice root 5 grams per day…Grams…Not milligrams…
Iodine 50 mg per day…50…Not 5…
Drinking something as a tea is not going to be strong enough…Take your herb, take lots of it, like 1/3 of a cup, simmer in some water, 3 cups say, & let it simmer for 15 minutes…Then drink that liquid…It may not taste so good…But this is medicine…DIY Chemo…Let it cool a bit & chug it fast if the herb is unpleasant…
Please do not play a conservative game if your tumours are ulcerating…Ulcerating tumours mean later stages…These are not to be taken lightly…This is all or nothing…Life or death…Diet & exercise are also crucial…That means daily not weekly…2 hours a day exercise, not half an hour on a rebounder…You have to become an athlete…
Alcohol, sugar, meat, glutens, dairy, cheese, these are all things of the past for now…A raw plant based diet is key…Try walking 2 hours a day, a long slow walk…Bring a friend who walks if you can…
More about hormone receptor status flipping on & off(estrogen for instance):
Ok, so Er+ means there is estrogen present…Estrogen lives in the Spleen…Phosphorus is the chemical word from the Periodic Table of Elements that stands for estrogen…Ok, so the vast majority of cancers show the presence of estrogen…Phosphorus…Now the creature, that is most commonly found in cancer, likes to eat Phosphorus…It also gives off a Phosphorus visual signature…When I look for cancer in people’s pictures, I look for that Phosphorus…That is how I see them…Salmonella Typhi bacteria which are just everywhere, show up as Phosphorus…I suspect they may be common to many cancer diagnoses…Typhus, the Black Plague it used to be called…Perhaps what we call cancer today is the old Black Plague…But when the cancer progresses, to later stages, it seems that you do not see the estrogen anymore…Has it perhaps eaten all the estrogen? Perhaps if the creature keeps feeding & feeding off all the estrogen, that eventually it eats it all up…Now there is no more estrogen visible…So it progresses downward to the next organ…The Gallbladder…It starts feeding on Mercury…Cartilage, tendons…This might start being painful…Like arthritis symptoms…So now, if you biopsy, it doesn’t show estrogen anymore…It is now estrogen negative…The article linked in the post talks about that…How an estrogen positive cancer can become estrogen negative…Maybe it eats all the estrogen, then grows, & moves to the next nutrient it can find…If I could calibrate an editing method that could see mercury, I could see it…Mercury is also what Lyme disease likes to feed on…The tick…They have trouble diagnosing Lyme too…It would be a matter of seeing Mercury…One way to see mercury in photo imaging would be to eat pork & to see the changes in the picture…Pork is a mercury…You would have to take a picture, edit it, then eat a bunch of pork, take another picture the next day, try & see the difference in the picture…Whatever that difference, would be the Mercury…Then you could test for Lyme…& later stage cancers…(Just a theory here…Anyone want to eat pork to see what happens? Thought not!)
Conversations about this…(From the DIY Cancer Repair Manual group on Facebook…
When it ulcerates, you just see it…In the original picture…In real life…But when I edit the picture, I don’t see the cancer very well…It seems to change…To become its own creature…It goes off the cancer radar…It becomes a new thing…Like if another person was in the picture-they don’t read as cancer…
It seems to change stages when it gets to ulceration…Goes from ER positive to ER negative…
…Ok, so Er+ means there is estrogen present…Estrogen lives in the Spleen…Phosphorus is the chemical word from the Periodic Table of Elements that stands for estrogen…Ok, so the vast majority of cancers show the presence of estrogen…Phosphorus…Now the creature, that is most commonly found in cancer, likes to eat Phosphorus…It also gives off a Phosphorus visual signature…When I look for cancer in people’s pictures, I look for that Phosphorus…That is how I see them…Salmonella Typhi bacteria which are just everywhere, show up as Phosphorus…I suspect they may be common to many cancer diagnoses…Typhus, the Black Plague it used to be called…Perhaps what we call cancer today is the old Black Plague…But when the cancer progresses, to later stages, it seems that you do not see the estrogen anymore…Has it perhaps eaten all the estrogen? Perhaps if the creature keeps feeding & feeding off all the estrogen, that eventually it eats it all up…Now there is no more estrogen visible…So it progresses downward to the next organ…The Gallbladder…It starts feeding on Mercury…Cartilage, tendons…This might start being painful…Like arthritis symptoms…So now, if you biopsy, it doesn’t show estrogen anymore…It is now estrogen negative…The article linked in the post talks about that…How an estrogen positive cancer can become estrogen negative…Maybe it eats all the estrogen, then grows, & moves to the next nutrient it can find…If I could calibrate an editing method that could see mercury, I could see it…Mercury is also what Lyme disease likes to feed on…The tick…They have trouble diagnosing Lyme too…It would be a matter of seeing Mercury…One way to see mercury in photo imaging would be to eat pork & to see the changes in the picture…Pork is a mercury…You would have to take a picture, edit it, then eat a bunch of pork, take another picture the next day, try & see the difference in the picture…Whatever that difference, would be the Mercury…Then you could test for Lyme…& later stage cancers…(Just a theory here…Anyone want to eat pork to see what happens? Thought not!)
Doing the Lunapic edit, ONLY on ulcerating tumours…I notice that there is a key lime colour that seems to be appearing in the areas of ulceration…Perhaps this Key Lime colour is our Mercury element? (ironically Lyme disease is quite similar to ulcerating tumours…I think they both feed off of Mercury…)
Along that same theory, I find the Key lime colour again in inflammatory breast cancer that is ulcerating…That key lime colour is present in the ulcerations…(lunapic edit)…Perhaps this will be a way to see ulcerations…Identify what they are feeding on(mercury)…But also this could help see Lyme disease as well…(next step is to look at pics of people with Lyme disease…)
Well, an early look at a Lyme disease picture is showing the key lime colour that shows up in Lunapic edits…is this an indication of Lyme disease? Is this Mercury? The same element that seems to be present in the ulcerations in tumours? Will re-look at pictures that I have to check this…
triple negative ulcerating tumour…The key lime colour comes up again in the ulcerations…I think this may be the element called Mercury…(also present in Lyme disease)…
Another Ulcerating tumour showing key lime areas in Lunapic editor…I think this is a Mercury marker indicating later stage cancers & also a Lyme disease marker…( treat with Magnesiums)…
Message from Sari(mon July 25, 2016): It appears that when C progresses, it can go from being estrogen positive to estrogen negative…The Lunapic editor is calibrated to see estrogen-it is the most common sign of cancer-cancer usually has an estrogen visual signature…But I think when the C gets to a later stage, it eats all the estrogen, & progresses to an Er negative form…It becomes more similar to a triple negative diagnosis…There is a lime colour that shows the presence of Mercury, which I think is the sign of the later stages…I have just completed some work to get to this point about that…
Michele Johnson
Hi Sari, you say here that an ulcerating tumor indicates disease prigression. Is that true in all or most cases? I am thinking of You Tube videos and posts I have come across where women are using black salve (Cancema, various other brands) to “draw out” breast tumors through the skin and claim to have done so, successfully, followed by rapid healing of what must be a gaping wound. I have always assumed thse individuals were dealing with primary tumors only. I envied their guts in tackling a tumor head on and getting the whole mess of cancer over with 1, 2, 3. Too scary for me.
Ulcerating tumours indicate disease progression…
Is that true for all or just most cases? I do not know of a case of ulceration where it did not indicate disease progression, but I have not seen all the cases…
I should add the qualifier: WITH A PRIOR DIAGNOSIS OF CANCER…
Benign tumours can ulcerate…Usually there was never a cancer diagnosis though beforehand…
So there are exceptions…
generally speaking if there was cancer, & it is now ulcerating, it is very serious & can be fatal…
The Black salve looks much scarier than it is…
Buy a small jar…(Zenith Herbals is good)…
Put it on your skin…It does nothing to healthy skin…
Put a small dab where a tumour is…
Wash it off after 24 hours…
The Zenith black salve is so painfree you won’t need a painkiller drug…
See it react…It will push up stuff to the surface of the skin…
Leave it alone…
Eventually it just falls off…
You have just removed a tiny bit of cancer…
Once you try it, the fear goes away…
Bloodroot capsules, tonic, tincture are other ways to go…No caustic, they are for internal or topical use too…(the tincture)
Start with capsules or tonic…You can apply tincture topically-it will not react without the caustic zinc chloride…But it will help…
Michele Johnson
I have many thoughts about this important question you are embarking upon. The thoughts are pulling up in my head and getting harder to hold together. I would like to share them as they come to me. Things I have read. Things i have theorized about, at least when it comes tho the Micgele Johnson Body Chart. I have 2 years of copious, disorganized notes, dated for the most part. If yiu need me to producers sources, I may be able to do that. Ok, so random thought s time, related to your topic. There is never a need for me to have a quick reply from you. I dont know how you keep up, as it is. Ok, moving along. I came across a study, not very large, 2 groups of women divided into HER+ and HER-. Within 9 months, almost half of each group switched status. All patients with just a primary tumor. Cannot remember if they were getting treatment. That would be important to know. What I dont remember is if there was a goal to continue to follow to see if the HER2 switch was something that could be expected to turn on and off over time
Interesting about the Her2 switch…
Her2 is a Hydrogen marker…
If you drink copious amounts of water, your Hydrogen levels rise…
If you stop drinking copious amounts of water, Hydrogen levels drop…
Since Hydrogen & Oxygen are opposites, & cancer hates Oxygen, this can account for switching off & on…
Her2+ people are drinking a gallon of water…
Her2- people are parched…
Water intake could account for the switching…
Michele Johnson
Michele Johnson
I now see that I thought my response to your discussion about ulcerating tumors was in the right spot but it appears not. If I continue to have problems posting in correct spot, especially because I am working off an Android, I could always start PMing you and maybe you can stick everything in the right place. I will leave that to you.
It’s ok…I can find you…
Don’t fret…
Technology isn’t perfect, but wherever your posts land may be fine…
Happy accidents occur…
Sometimes random is good…
Imperfection is beautiful…
I love the info about the Her2 switching…
Thank you…
Michele Johnson
I was not aware that ER status can change, like HER status can. If estrogen has a signature on your images, what is the signature of HER2?
Peach…In Fotoflexer…Comes up as a peachy colour…Hydrogen…My latest post has a video from me talking about all of that…Well not all, but some…
Calcium is progesterone, Estrogen is Phosphorus, Hydrogen is Her2 Androgen,
Michele Johnson
Going to watch the video today.
Michele Johnson
I also read that there is at least 1 blood test to check HER2 status. When I found out I had mets, I asked my doc if my HER2 status could be rechecjed, as he was now recommending a course of treatment based on a pathology report that was 21 months old. I had been doing natural for 21 months before I saw him. I certainly was nit willing to do a repeat biopsy. He said, “It would not change the treatment we are doing now (Herceptin. Also Femara, which I have not told him yet I stopped taking after about 2 week.). The nurse practitioner had already told me that they do not do a HER2 blood test there. I looked online and found out that neither do many of the top cancer centers in the US. I dont know wht. Maybe the test is too new or not considered reliable.
The Fotoflexer edit can see Hydrogen…It is more when you drink more…I am not a drinker, so I don’t show it…But I can make it appear by drinking tons of fluids…Water is a food…People forget that…
Michele Johnson
Yes, I am keeping water intake in mind. It is more natural for me to not drink a lot of it.
Michele Johnson
Then I went on to read 1 or 2 journal articles (just trying to break up my long response), that said that HER2 status may change in the orimsry tumor but it seems to consistently go on to show up in the distant sites—the rationale for Herceptin being the gold standard for conventional treatment for metastatic breast cancer. Made me almost grateful to have mets. Women are denied Herceptin until the standard care of surgery, chemo, radiation fails and the cancer progresses at the primary site or metastasizes. I have started to see journal articles advocating treating with Herceptin at initial disgnosis of a primary tumor. Another choice besides the usual. Not waiting for the usual to failure, either by progression of primary tumor becoming larger, or the cancer spreading to secondary locations. So, upshot is my oncologist’s response made sense, in light if the above, at least in my case. I am, by the way, seriously considering no more Herceptin. I have had 4 treatments. At the time I opted for getting targeted therapy, my tumor and underarm lymph node seemed to be getting smaller. I had had some inflammation and minor ulceration of the tumor (3.5″) heal over a 6 month period using cabbage leaves (Hard to know if was making other changes. I have been more than a little bit all over the place.) what orompted my decision to start on Herceptin was coming down with getting sick for a few days end of January, bouts of shortness of breath, feeling miserable, wound up in ER. CT scan in ER showed sudpicion of lung mets. Got pretty scared about possibility of having breathing difficulties or chronic pain and no longer having even a primary doctor to write prescriptions for anything. Final diagnoses with follow up were pneumonia for the lungs, but metastatic lesions in liver and some spots on spine. I have theory, or denial, lol, about what the mets are. In most ways, I have continued to feel better across these 2 years with the lousy periods usually related to detox.
Liver flukes for instance can travel in water…They hide in the Liver…They can be hard to kill…The Humaworm antiparasitic can kill them…
When cancer travels, it is often along water in the body…restrain water & it doesn’t travel…
Add Oxygens & you starve it of its food…
B17 is an Oxygen… ( has it but you must have it already…There’s your herbal Herceptin by the way)…
Sari Here’s a tiny 17 minute talk about NIDI…