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Join Sari Grove on a run or walk Sunday October 6, 2024


‘Kick that f-cking door down!’

Why my gender is more important than my politics! Though I would probably lean right…

Try try try again

what do the colours mean in... by GroveCanada:Joseph & Sari G...

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nidi.vhx.tv free trailer stretch with DAFNA

https://x.com/SariGrove6/status/1795460093439271287 Twitter now called X, here is SariGrove6 status update with video of NIDI.VHX.TV here…

what do the colours mean in nidi? FAQ

"learn Nidi" is a free course at grove.official.academy , basically purple is Phosphorus (an element…

Type 1 diabetes detached pancreas sugar water glue to reattach

short answer: (4 revisions) Alzheimers is related to high blood pressure. photo credit: an ugly…

Retro Post LOL!


Bengal Cat Research…

Tuvok jumping!(video) I was a member of a Facebook group called The Bengal Cat Community…