Female Minus element=Fluorine=Cleaning Lady
F -11
Body Part rung of the ladder=Colon
the likelihood of using F -11 Fluorine if you are a cleaning lady is high, due to the high amount of F -11 Fluorine, a Minus element, in water, locally, today…
If you marry a Male PLus Element Bi +2 Bismuth man who works in a Bismuth related job like say coal mining or barbecuing, then that would be good!
In the brain part chart (just another rung of the ladder), the Temporal lobe, is where the Colon is controlled by!
Where the ears are! (just behind)! *If you wear earrings they will press against your temporal lobe area if you sleep in them or wear them too long…That will keep you awake at night because your melatonin Bi +2 levels will be lower internally…
Goat is Calcium: Ca +5 (I wonder if Ca Calcium +5 is for accountants???) ie: C.A. Chartered Accountant! DNA figuring it out...
Goat=Calcium+5 Ca
Lamb=Aluminum+10 Al
Then short hair, theoretically is less impactful, as a food group, than long hair…(because goats have shorter hair than sheep or lambs)!
C dificil implies Carbon , due to its incessant diarrhea as a symptom…But to treat it, you have to kill the bug, not feed it…
The theory is that when a bug becomes pervasive it starts eating all your food, in the case of C Dificil, it eats all your Nitrogens…
Ebola is very similar…So if a Naturopath sees Carbon in excess causing diarrhea, they may MISTAKENLY prescribe Nitrogens…Mycoplasma is also similar…
All Bugs should show MINUS elements in excess, if at a later stage…This is confusing…Bugs feed on PLUS elements first…So you have to kill them by eating more MINUS elements…
DIYImaging.com is being built to ascertain which PLUS elements are in excess…What bugs are feeding on…
But in later stages, those bugs will have EATEN ALL the PLUS elements…
So now they present as MINUS element in excess??? For example…
A leukemia bug arrives due to Iron in excess(Malaria bug of old)…It shows up as excess Iron Fe+11 in DIYIMAGING.com
But if the person does not start taking a Manganese Minus element-2, then maybe the bug(mosquito usually or its larvae), gets out of hand…
It starts eating all the Iron Fe +11, & the person starts showing dizziness a sign of anemia or excess Manganese Mn-2 …
A Naturopath might diagnose anemia or low IronFe+11 …
But if you feed the person more iron Fe +11 then the bug also gets fed too…Its favorite food…
An alternate route might be to feed the anemic presenting person nuts(high in Manganese Mn+11)…
This might be counterintuitive to a ND Naturopath…