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List of things you may be taking & what they are on the Grove Body Part Chart…( will be updated as new things come along)!

Lovastatin = Titanium Metformin= Selenium Apro Napro = Titanium Cimetidin= Carbon Tretinoin/Vesinoid= Manganese Spironolactone= Potassium…


[pdf-embedder url="http://grovecanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Lists-of-Anticancer-things-to-do...by-Sari-Grove.pdf" title="Lists of Anticancer things to do…by Sari Grove"]

Link to manuscript book 12 Nidi by Grove Canada…(in progress)

https://www.scribd.com/document/396698722/NIDI-nidi https://www.scribd.com/document/396698722/NIDI-nidi

Light Mineral Oil with eye dropper…(in eyes, nostrils, ears, bum!)

Light Mineral Oil, put in ears with eye dropper(one whole eye dropper each ear), put…

Levels raise due to Iatrogenic influence…

Update:( October 15, 2017) Aluminum raises from any skin puncturing blood type test or needle…