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You searched: NIDI

Parkinson’s disease in Nidi imaging…

P is Phosphorus, the purple specks... Hg is Mercury, the Lime... Bi is Bismuth, the…

Nidi:see cancer/ lyme

Phosphorus, the common cancer marker(er+ estrogen) is a purple colour...Can also be a candida marker,…


Purple is phosphorus a cancer marker, Mercury is a Lyme marker in yellow, nitrogen is…

Nidi:Diyimaging.ca vs older filters

So, we built diyimaging.ca based on the three Nidi edits, Lunapic, fotoflexer, and Pixlr... The…


Hi...Nidi preamble..by Sari Grove...Book twelve! by Sari Grove - Sunday, January 06, 2019 http://grovecanada.ca/hi-nidi-preamble-by-sari-grove-book-twelve/ Hi…I’m…