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Queen Bee Sting!( I am now royalty!)

If you wonder why I am slow to answer again, um, well...( big swelling under…

Pyrantel Pamoate is a handy antiparasitic you can buy online…

I usually recommend Humaworm as a first line antiparasitic treatment... But some people have done…

PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar disorder: do not treat with cannabis oil!

( Background: Someone in my Facebook group DIY Cancer Repair Manual posted that they had…

Pyrantel Pamoate in suspension, Humaworm, Blessed Herbs cleanse?

Pyrantel Pamoate is like the Zinc Family & the Oxygen family...Very strong...So it removes just…

Pulling Hair…Folding Molybdenum…

[audio wav="http://grovecanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Friday_06-10-2016_014202_PM.wav"][/audio] Caption: Voice file Sari grove talking into a El Capitan iMac desktop computer…