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Month: August 2015

Ovarian Cysts…

I took Dr. Reckeweg R38 & R39 for ovarian cysts... Each bottle about $25...One for…

Keeping a cat or dog or human out of heat…(also tames aggression)

Swallow Healthy Diet http://www.swallowhealthydiet.com Our cats get Balance from Phytopet daily in wet food about…

Optic Neuritis & Multiple Sclerosis…

Optic Neuritis is correlated with Multiple Sclerosis, so if you treat it that way, with…

How to see a lump in your breast & our free ebooks:Free PDF file you can download & share with someone who needs it)

http://grovecanada.ca/grovecanada-hostawesome-com/FREE BOOKS ACCESS as well! (more places) This is a PDF file you can download…

You are not crazy, just addicted…(Common mental health problems)

You're addicted to cigarettes...It triggers Bipolar symptoms(manic mostly)...Psychiatrists put you on Lithium...Solution:Quit smoking cigarettes Also:Vitamin…