This is a daily morning smoothie designed by Dr. Kelly Brogan, holistic psychiatrist…

The smoothie will boost the system, so one can very slowly taper off meds…

Dr. Kelly Brogan helps people taper off these types of drugs…She has some good information online, some videos , a book…

But this smoothie is excellent…

From a drug perspective, Abilify, is being used off label in Canada, for PTSD…

It turns out that new thinking in psychiatry is that mood disorders are mostly caused by events…

Not some sort of chronic defect…So there is probably a catalyst…

Anyways, Abilify boost norepinephrine, serotonin, & some dopamine…(Aurum, Phosphorus, Copper, on the Grove body part chart)…

Might come in handy, if a drug absolutely is needed short term…It is less strong than Lithium drugs, so people are more able to function…

From there one could taper into just the smoothies- having started the smoothies right away…

FaithfulCounseling is an online Christian service that is fabulous…

Much better than the Ohip type doctors we get in Canada…

One can chat with them online whenever…Social workers can be much more helpful than shrinks…