
We know that the DIY Imaging can see Cancer, Biochemistry (Lead, Iron, Aluminum, Hydrogen, Calcium), & size changes…

We have also figured out correlations, namely, when we see one element, what other element is also present…Here’s the Correlations chart:

colours that are the same, in the circle colours, show up together really often, ie:Calcium & Molybdenum are like milk & beans! (but more likely Progestin birth control-which shows up as Ca & Mb)…


But what other things can we see with the DIY Imaging…?(see the link for full explanations on how to do your own imaging…

7 weeks pregnant in Fotoflexer…


Well…I started looking at pregnant belly images…Here is a 7 week pregnant belly as seen in Fotoflexer…The foggy pink area is the growing baby…

Daniel Fredriksen is coding the site now as we speak…The idea is to have a web app that anyone can access online, to do their own imaging…More of a one step process…

So far, using the original methods, I have imaged breast tumours, lung fluids, liver, gallbladder, prostate, thyroid…It can see inside a cat’s brain & tummy(I was checking one of our bengal cats for worms)…

It can take Mammograms, MRI images, CT scans of any part of the body & give additional information from them-like what chemistry is present to get rid of, where the cancer is & you can see it as a purple colour…

Now I think it could be useful for looking inside pregnant bellies…

If you need help with the imaging now, or want me to do it for you, send me a pic through my Facebook messaging…(Sari Grove)…

DIY Imaging instructions…