A benign breast lump is classically Calcium Oxalate(Oxalate means Iron)…Bloodroot is a Manganese, which eats Iron…Iodine things eat Calcium…A malignant breast cancer lump is Calcium Phosphate…So it is the Phosphorus that differentiates the two…Coppers eat Phosphorus…Coppers include: licorice root, green tea, ginkgo biloba, caffeine things, Copper supplements, wheatgrass, matcha tea…Coppers can change the chemistry of a lump from malignant to benign…They don’t eradicate size…But they do prevent & reverse spread…Other unique components depend on what a person eats & drinks, often…But the basic chemistry seems to be common…So a systemic Iodine, Manganese, Copper approach was my own main thrust…




Regarding the sticky post which explains how to see your own lump(It’s at the top of the first page of this website grovecanada.ca):(here’s a shorter PDF you can download with the how to see a lump basic instructions…)
If you need help or want an opinion ( anybody welcome) feel free to write me here in Facebook or directly at grove@sent.com I’ve been occasionally editing pictures for people & telling what I see & how I proceeded with whatever is there…This is relatively new so we are learning together…Eventually it will become more solid as a helpful diagnostic tool…(I usually crop the nipple out before posting examples-if you send pics that might make you feel better too)…