From the facebook Group DIY Cancer Repair Manual:Marnie Newton(facebook) is an expert in the cause of Cancer…Her tack is identifying the parasite behind this word…For example…I saw what looked to be Liver fluke egg shape in a picture of someone who had been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma…It was a massive hunch…Flash forward to the present, Marnie just told me that Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is associated with Epstein-Barr virus…Bear with me…I happen to know that Epstein-Barr virus is associated with Shingles…& I happen to know that Shingles is in the Liver…Which means that Marnie was confirming for me & for the person in question, that what we had seen was indeed related to the Liver…What this means is that though our protocol for Hodgkin’s was to address the Liver, by confirming our hunch, we could go much further in this direction…Fully commit…The reason I had been hedging my bets a little, is because conventional medicine targets the location of the Cancer (LYMPH-oma), & so I was looking to clean out the Lymph nodes, as an insurance policy, in case conventional was right…But what we have found is that something like a Liver fluke can travel from the Colon, up to the Liver, to the Lungs & finally to the brain…Along the way it can be mistaken for many things…The one thing that seems to be a clue, is that if you are doing everything possible, but still aren’t getting better, & don’t know why, you probably have this elusive creature… Legalon is a Sylimarin product which means Milk Thistle which is an Oxygen on the Grove Body Part Chart…

Use for applications involving Liver flukes, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Impotence, Epstein-Barr Virus, Shingles, Chicken Pox, Pain in Bones Cancer, Her+ positive, Alcoholism, Pneumonia, Common Cold, Depression, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, (Colon Cancer, Liver Cancer, Lung Tumours)explanation;these liver fluke worms can travel up the colon to the liver & into the lungs finally into the brain, they can remain asymptomatic for years-use HUMAWORM antiparasitic to kill the worms…For consultation on Liver flukes as cause of these particular cancers, or for identification of what parasite or worm is causing your own unique cancer-please contact MARNIE NEWTON on FACEBOOK…

Liver flukes Shingles Hodgkin's disease Bone pain...
Liver flukes Shingles Hodgkin’s disease Bone pain… very high in Iodine product from a brown North Atlantic Ocean Nova Sccotia sea kelp, can be put all over the body including older explanted tumour sites…Internally too, just go slow…It is strong…

Comment:”Things hide in the Liver…The Liver is an unusual beast…Hydrogens like water feed it, & Oxygens like fresh air, clean it…The problem with many regimens is they neglect the Liver…How is that possible you say? Well…Cancer really like anaerobic situations…It does not like Oxygen…Now water, yes water, drowns out Oxygens…So…If you are drinking tons fo water daily, with your supplements to swallow them, drinking all sorts of green juices, drinking drinking teas & water because you have been told water is the answer to all good health then…You are drowning your Liver…You are suffocating out all the Oxygen…You are creating a perfect anaerobic environment…Liver flukes hide very well & are often asymptomatic until you start getting bone pain…We have found that humaworm antiparasitic does kill them if they are lurking…Lurking means you have done all the right things, but still aren’t feeling better…Here is a link to the site Friend Mary Agnes(on Facebook) if you have any questions about Humaworm, coffee enemas(helpful to remove the dead bodies-sorry gross)…(please know that Mary Agnes speaks Spanish so her English albeit excellent is slightly broken)…Marnie Newton(on Facebook) is an expert on the cause of Cancer…With a pile of info on Liver flukes & more…Marnie is in Sydney, Australia, so there are time zone issues to consider…Please also write to Marnie directly…If you have passed a parasite or worm & want to know which one it is…Well…Take a picture…Marnie also consults with parasitologists about this…Amazing resource…Humaworm came from Marnie…

Note:Dan Webb(on Facebook) will help you out of cachexia, being too skinny, after your detox is over…Raw eggs! This is how you can safely gain weight back…AFTER cancer treatment…