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Month: February 2016

bird brain…

http://www.news2news.com/news/iris/2001/10/a_4_5.htm Dr. Bernard Jensen went to the rainbow bridge in February of 2001...That made me cry...&…

PART 2 ongoing saga of black salving a breast lump by Sari Grove…

http://grovecanada.ca/black-salve-on-breast-lump-ongoing-post/Here is PART 1 of the black salve saga if you want to go backwards…

Starting an Anticancer regime…

  http://grovecanada.ca/grovebrainpartchartup-12/#comment-4666The flow of how to k---...Krill Oil Iodine Carbon, Image of Brain when you…

Talcum powder(Baby powder), Breast Implants, Cancer, Depression, Suicide, & Sex trade workers…

Talcum powder(Baby Powder) contains Talc, which is usually made of magnesium, silicon, & oxygen... Silicon…

Insomnia & the Pineal Gland…

http://www.shivayoga.net/shivayoga-and-pineal-gland-ii/ Pineal Gland... People with insomnia tend to have Fluorine excess, Bismuth in lack, in the…